Prepare yourself ESPN viewers, the New York Mets have invited Tim Tebow to spring training

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Those of you who still watch ESPN for something other than live games are likely about to experience hell on earth. With the end of college football and the near-end of the NFL season, I'd imagine Sportscenter is going to rely heavily on every breath LeBron James takes, in addition to wall-to-wall LaVar Ball coverage. Can it get any worse?
You're damn right it can, and it's going to VERY soon, because, brace yourselves ... the New York Mets have invited Tim Tebow to spring training. Insert beautiful shirtless running pic:

The Mets made the announcement on Friday that the former Heisman Trophy winner would be getting a real shot at the major league level that the world has been clamoring for. This despite the fact that his minor league career has been equally as bad as his career in a New York Jet uniform. So get ready for TebowMania / TebowSanity / TebowPalooza because it's back whether you like it or not. Only way to avoid it is to never turn on the TV, never open up your phone and never leave your house. Good luck with that.