
Pirates shortstop Cole Tucker steals everyone's girlfriend with majestic head-first slide into second base

April 23, 2019

Unless you're a diehard Pittsburgh Pirates fan, or an ardent follower of all things minor league baseball, you've probably never heard of Cole Tucker. The 22-year-old shortstop was first called up to the big-league roster this past Saturday, and all he did was homer for his first career hit in just his third major league at-bat. The two-run shot eventually won the Buccos the game over the San Francisco Giants. Not a bad way to start a career, some would say.

If that wasn't enough to capture the hearts of Pirates fans, Tucker outdid himself on Monday night at home against the Arizona Diamondbacks. In the bottom of the second, Tucker stepped to the plate and ripped a base hit to right center field that he legged out for a double. Now, you may be thinking, wow, a double, big deal. I would respond with, how wrong can you be?

This wasn't just a double, this was Tucker hustling his butt off, losing his helmet to unveil his long, curly, flowing locks and sliding headfirst into second base in the most majestic way possible. That sound you hear is your girlfriend packing up her things, slamming the door without saying goodbye, and running straight into Cole Tucker's arms. She's gone man, and she's never coming back:

He's... he's so beautiful. If this sounds weird, it shouldn't, because everyone agrees:

Not only is Tucker easy on the eyes, he's a ball of energy. Here he is telling his first-base coach "I'm going!" as he rounded first to head for a two-bagger:

Here was Tucker prior to his first game last Saturday, acting like a kid in a candy store, or a kid playing in a major league baseball game:

And here he was after the game, describing his first home run. The guy was BEAMING:

We're going to go ahead and claim Tucker as our new favorite player. Sorry Ramon Laureano, you had a good run.