Our Ornery Readers
It's my theory that February is the cruelest month. That is, it makes you cruel, I'm guessing because most of you haven't played golf in a while and are ornery as hell. As support for this theory, I present the following collection of letters to Golf World:
After viewing the AT&T Pro-am I believe that Chris Berman has one of the worst swings in golf, worse than Charles Barkley. And if Berman's handicap is really 18, then the USGA has a serious problem with handicapping. John J. Connolly>
I always thought Tom Pernice Jr. was a nice guy. Then I read in your February 8 issue one of his faves is Ann Coulter. Just goes to show you how wrong you can be. Agreeing with her politics is one thing, having her as afave considering her style is anything but nice. Chuck Anderson, Orlando.>
Well, you just can't help yourselves. You just 'had to' put Woods on the cover of February 8th issue of Golf World. Can't you just let someone else have the cover honour by themselves? A whole lot of us are sick and tired of the constant ramming down our throats of Woods. Please, give us all a break. Also, Karrie Webb wins her fourth Australian Women's Open and you give her a couple of lines, in passing...Ron Field, Morton. Wa.>
I'm glad you got these things off your chest. I will not attempt to defend Tiger Woods, the USGA handicap system or Tom Pernice, though, for the record, I'm with you on Ann Coulter.
--Bob Carney
(Photo by Andrew Redington, Getty)