The Genesis Invitational

Torrey Pines Golf Course (South Course)


    This video of Nick Saban's recruitment pitch would explain why his roster is stacked with 5-star players

    February 01, 2021

    After watching the way Alabama rolled to another National Championship victory last month, it makes you wonder why all the other teams even bother. If Ohio State and it's equally loaded roster can't even keep it within three touchdowns, who can? 

    Sure, the Crimson Tide may lose once or twice every few years, but chances are they'll be back the following season with a vengeance. Ten national titles before 2030 is a very real possibility for head coach Nick Saban, provided he doesn't retire before then. 

    How does the legendary coach do it? How does he get the best players and have the best team year after year after year? A leaked video of one of his recruitment pitches, which went viral over the weekend, explains exactly how he does it: 

    There are a number of mic drops in this 139-second clip, but the only one necessary to land whoever this recruit was came around the 45-second mark, when he began explaining how wrong it is for other schools to tell recruits that they won't be able to play right away in Tuscaloosa, because there are too many good players ahead of them. 

    "First of all, when they tell you that, it's insulting," Saban says. "I wouldn't be sitting here talking to you if you couldn't play here. Number two, when they say you can play at our place before you can play at Alabama, they're just telling you Alabama is better then them." 

    If that didn't cause every other head coach to give up right there, Saban then goes on to explain how his old players, just about all of which are in the NFL, say that the competition at 'Bama made them better players. How on earth do you say no to this guy after that pitch? He didn't even need to break out the dance moves to win whoever this was over. 

    Unfortunately, whoever secretly recorded this is probably no longer going to Alabama. One does not simply screen record Saban's recruiting pitch, post it on the internet and live to tell the tale. Hope it was worth it, my guy. Have fun going 5-7 at Tennessee for the next four years while Alabama rolls to the CFP over and over and over again.