Rapper Machine Gun Kelly claims he was on LSD when he hit an inside-the-park home run in a celebrity softball game
No matter what level of baseball or softball it is, hitting an inside-the-park home run has to be an all-time exhilirating feeling. You're running at full speed out of the box, constantly checking where the ball and fielders are as you run, making sure you touch each base and finally, rounding third, heading for home and trying to beat the throw, which there will almost always be unless the fielders truly and completely botched the entire play. When you do beat it out, I'd imagine it's the same feeling Andy Dufresne had when he finished crawling through five football fields of crap to escape jail.
Now, just imagine that same feeling, but you're also on LSD. Too much? Yeah, probably too much.
Well, it wasn't too much for rapper Machine Gun Kelly, who was trending on Twitter on Saturday, and not because of a new song or because he was spotted with Megan Fox. MGK was trending because of a video of him hitting an inside-the-park home run in the Celebrity Softball Game at Progressive Field, home of the Cleveland Indians and site of the 2019 All-Star Game last season. "Best hitter Cleveland has had this decade," said Twitter user @Comebacksznnnn, referring to Machine Gun Kelly, a Cleveland native:
Nice piece of hitting, and even better hustle. Making it all the more legendary is the fact that Machine Gun Kelly was on LSD when it happened, at least according to Machine Gun Kelly:
As amazing as this revelation is, we would not recommend LSD-softballing to the kids out there. And no, we didn't forget the Doc Ellis video: