3M Open

TPC Twin Cities


Golfer not allowed to play because of his socks (Seriously. This really happened.)

August 22, 2018

Sam Greenwood

This is a true story. We begin by saying that because your first thought will probably be This CAN'T possibly be a true story. But it is! A recreational golfer was turned away from playing a course because of his socks, specifically, the color of his socks. Again, this is a true story.

Thanks to our friends at Bunkered for sharing this tale of woe woven material. It seems a man named David Cole showed up to play Letchworth Golf Club in Hertfordshire (UK) and was told he wouldn't be allowed to play with the black socks he was wearing. Here's Cole's tweet at the club (We assume he meant "sports"):

When the club responded by confirming its Wimbledon-esque dress code included no black socks, but that Cole should have been offered the chance to change them, he tweeted this:

Dress codes in golf are certainly nothing new and are debated all the time. Notably, the PGA Tour requires its players to wear pants even in sweltering conditions and the LPGA has taken criticism from a few of its stars over a stricter dress code that went into effect in 2017. On the local level, it's common for clubs or even public courses to require the wearing of collared shirts and prohibit things like jeans, but being sticklers over what color socks someone is wearing? That's a new one.

Golf Digest's fashion guru Marty Hackel isn't a fan of black socks on the course (I know from personal experience and now I'm scared to leave the house wearing them), but even he wouldn't force someone to change them before playing. You can hardly see them sticking out of your shoes! At least one other English golf club chimed in to agree this rule is ridiculous and not doing the game of golf — or Letchworth Golf Club itself — any favors.

Anyway, in case you're ever thinking of playing Letchworth, wear white socks. Again, this is really a thing. In 2018. Amazing.