
Everyone go home, Air Force just won the 2018 college football uniform sweepstakes

August 14, 2018

Don't blink now, but it's pretty much late August, and in our narrow sliver of the universe that means one thing and one thing only: College football is back, and with it a sun-blotting swarm of ridiculous alternate uniforms designed by some graphic design major snorting adderall off a Four Loko. Minnesota led the way this spring with their new mix-and-match setup offering over 100 combinations of gophery goodness and the Wolfpack are ready to bark at the moon in these bad boys, but nothing can hold a candle to the stealth bombers Air Force just unveiled. Check 'em out:

Holy moly, these things may not be suitable for children. A tribute to the AC-130 gunship, these alternates feature a sinister monochrome palate and the trickest helmet in college football, featuring a mural of the AC-130 on one side and badges for each squadron on the side. Seriously, these lids belong in a museum, not in the trenches:


Air Force have yet to announce what games will feature the third installment of their Air Force Power Legacy series, but needless to say, if they aren't rocking these things come Halloween weekend, we riot.