3M Open

TPC Twin Cities


"Etiquette" at the Bob Hope

January 26, 2009

For some of us, huddled in houses covered in old snow, all golf is great and any scene of men in short sleeves walking across green fairways relieves the winter blues. But many of you found professional "etiquette" at the Bob Hope upsetting.


Dear Editor,


I pray that Golf Tournaments don't take on the celebrations of other sports. After Pat Perez holed his final shot, we witnessed a group of his friends run out and present him with a bottle of something, which he took a slug of, and spit out on the 18th green. I would think in this gentlemen's game, he would make his way to Mr. Palmer, the tournament host, shake his hand and be grateful and humble. This cannot be a good thing for the PGA Tour. We need Tiger's return more then ever!

Lew Sypher

Rotonda West, FL


Dear Editor,>

I witnessed another example of poor behavior and attitude at the Hope, when many of the finishers did not stop and acknowledge, say thanks to, Arnie, when they left the 18th green.  I'm thrilled for Pat Perez winning, but somewhere in these younger players' minds needs to be reminded how and why they are playing on the PGA Tour and making millions w/o winning for a long time or ever.   What percentage know just how much the Hope and Crosby made the Tour?  Maybe a history lesson could be 'mandated' for anyone under 30.   Thank you.Â


Kay Shaw,

Hot Springs, VA.

<blockquote>Dear Editor,

Why did only two of the top 30 golfer in the world play in the Hope?  I know three are hurt or recovering, some are playing in Europe, but what about the other 20.  I mean Bob Hope, name someone else who has done more for golf, maybe Palmer. With the economy the way it is, millions out of work who would love to have a job to go to.  Where the average big name plays less than 20 times a year, give me a break.

The winner gets $1.2 million and, yes, it's 5 days and you play with amateurs,  plus Tiger's not there. So why don't the other guys step up and do the right thing? With the economy where it is for these guys not to play what message does it send out.  I enjoy GolfWorld better than all the other golf publications so I hope you will write about this, I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels this way.

For the game I/we love.


Jim Meyers

Indianapolis, INÂ

Our two cents: After lots of enjoyable coverage and interesting airtime with Arnie, it was an ugly finish, with Perez first swigging (why?) then spitting out the contents of a bottle his buddy had handed him. I'm sure Tim Finchem, fresh from his issues with John Daly, thought this a wonderful image for the Tour, especially since it all occurred in front of Mr. Palmer, whose presence and interviews on Saturday and Sunday had added a great deal to the telecast. Perez said, "I feel honored that [Arnie] was there to shake my hand when I got done, and he's such a legend that it's just a great feeling on top of everything else." So I also couldn't figure out why more players didn't shake Arnie's hand coming off the 18th, and thought more of the guys that who did. As to the players who skip the Hope, you put your finger on it. Playing with amateurs more than a round at a time is, for most professionals, about as appetizing as whatever it was that Pat Perez rejected there on 18 green, good economic times or bad.

--Bob Carney