WM Phoenix Open

TPC Scottsdale (Stadium Course)


    Folks, we already have bad news about the return of EA Sports NCAA Football

    February 03, 2021

    On Tuesday, we rejoiced. For the first time since July of 2013, the return of EA Sports NCAA Football seemed imminent. After EA's official announcement, the internet picked up the loose ball and ran with it. Who should be the first cover star? Which MAC program would make the best dynasty? How will the Old Oaken Bucket look running in 4K at 60 frames per second? For once, Twitter could be described as downright giddy.

    But as ol’ Bob Frost once wrote, nothing gold can stay, and while we kissed our gals in the streets like the second coming of V-Day, EA Sports slipped a little buzzkill under the door and hightailed it the hell out of there. In fact, so raucous were the celebrations, chances are your hungover carcass hasn’t even seen it yet . . .

    THE NEXT COUPLE OF YEARS? PLURAL!? Well geez, EA, don’t you think you should have led with that?

    Deep down, we probably all suspected this was too good to be true—that there was an element of it that didn’t quite add up. We noted that the NCAA was conspicuously absent from the franchise’s new title, implying that A. a deal was yet to be worked out or B. we were getting some sort of knockoff designed to capitalize on the demand for a modern successor to one of gaming’s most beloved sports franchises. But still, YEARS? We are happy to make some compromises, but have seen the state of the world, EA? We might not have years.

    So as of Wednesday, we’re back to square one, or at least square 1.5. Some day we’ll have some version of EA Sports NCAA Football back in our grubby little mitts. We can’t say where and we can’t say when, but we can promise you this:

    Your little brother will still kicking your butt with 'Bama.