Make EA Sports Great Again
EA Sports targeting summer 2023 for ‘NCAA Football’ return, giving them time to remember how to make a good football game again
OK, so this is a bit of a good news, bad news scenario here, but as always, we’ll lead with the good news: According to reports, EA Sports is targeting a summer 2023 return for their college football franchise, formerly known as ‘NCAA Football.’ We will give you this moment to kiss your loved ones and plan your two-month sabbatical.
That, of course, means more waiting, and we’ve certainly done enough of that since last lifting a virtual Heisman in 2014, but that’s not really the bad news. The bad news, as the internet has so hopefully pointed out, is that EA Sports has failed to make a decent football game for the better part of a decade now.
OK, so that last one has nothing to do with ‘NCAA Football’ (or whatever we’re calling it), but the man has a point. As for the actual quality of EA Sports’ recent football output, well, it leaves a lot to be desired in terms of fit, finish, and authenticity. Here’s that hoping with a longer lead time (as opposed to Madden’s 12-month turnaround), different dev team, and some good old-fashioned pressure, EA Sports will stick college football’s reentry into the wild world of modern gaming.
If not, we’ll just have to dust off our trusty copy of ‘NCAA Football ‘14’, where the future is bright, COVID still sounds like a tech startup, and Denard Robinson is a superstar, forever and always.