Do these women look angry that their Bachelorette party was ruined by the NFL Draft?
I can't tell you how many times my fiancée has ranted about how men are such poor planners. How do we possibly go through life by "going with the flow" or "taking things as they come"? How can we not have every hour, no, every minute of every day planned out to our exact specifications? How can we be so wildly unprepared at all times? "Well, if you just PLANNED ahead!" they say, "I told you to CALL THE PLACE FIRST!" they yell, "maybe you should have MIXED IN A WATER!" they scream the next morning (probably right about that one).
Well, I'm happy to report that on this fine Friday it was the females who were the poor planners, at least a few unlucky ones in Nashville, Tennessee, on Thursday night. Why is that, you ask? A bunch of brides-to-be decided to schedule their Bachelorette parties in the new Bachelorette party capital of the world the weekend of April 25-27. The problem? The NFL Draft was in town! Oh, man, what a SHAME!
Didn't anyone plan ahead? Didn't anyone check to see what was going on in NashVegas that weekend? Didn't anyone CALL SOMEBODY? Oh, man, another shame. Hate to see that.
These lovely young ladies did not, in fact, plan ahead. As you can see, they are not thrilled by the prospect of thousands of dudes who are too old to be wearing NFL jerseys roaming the same streets they hoped to strut down all weekend (RIP to this woman's poor future husband):
Country music? Ha. All you're going to be hearing the next two days is "HEY GETTLEMAN YOU SUCK!"
We're sorry, we don't mean to laugh. Just kidding, this is absolutely hilarious.
Better luck next year, ladies. I hear Las Vegas is a great spot this exact same weekend in 2020.