Hidden Talents

Colt Knost handled surfing down this giant sand dune better than we expected

November 04, 2021

You have to wonder if Colt Knost would have attempted to surf down a giant sand dune were he still playing professional golf. Regardless, the player-turned-announcer still risked bodily harm on Thursday with a stunt in Dubai that went smoother than many would have expected.

A former PGA Tour player and the 2007 U.S. Amateur champ, Knost obviously has fantastic hand-eye coordination. But it turns out he's got some pretty impressive balance as well.

Check it out as Knost nearly makes it all the way to the bottom before finally wiping out:

What a daredevil! Well played—and captioned. What's next? Hangliding at Torrey Pines? Zip-lining in Maui? This should become a weekly segment at tour stops.