too close to home
Give an Oscar to this video imagining what an average golfer TV broadcast would look like
This happens all the time. You’re playing a match, or even just knocking putts on the practice green, and someone assumes the role of Jim Nantz: hushed tones, dramatic pauses, the whole thing. It’s always an incredible shot, on an iconic course, the stakes massive.
Meanwhile, what if you had all the elements of a polished TV broadcast, but still your crappy golf reality? You know, scrubby course, hitting 5 off the tee, the assembled broadcast crew dissecting your pathetic quest to break 90.
That’s the conceit of this video by comedic account @Thatsmyboyjacob and it might be the most accurate depiction of golf you’ll find this year. Let’s let him take it from here:
There’s a lot to unpack here—the very measured description of the “46th best public golf course in North Carolina on Yelp”; the tee shot that hits a car; the poor guy who is 40 over through 7 holes—and we’d love to say it’s funny because it’s so damn absurd. But for those of us who live the game from one hitchy swing to the next, let’s just say it cuts a little deeper than that.