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Akshay Bhatia wins biggest tournament of his life, promptly forgets the name of said tournament
To be fair to Akshay Bhatia, there was a lot going on Wednesday evening in the Bahamas. The 19-year-old had just rattled the flagstick on the final hole with his girlfriend caddieing for him to win the biggest tournament of his life (so far) in dramatic fashion. Still, it's pretty funny that he promptly forgot the name of said tournament.
In a funny selfie video posted by the Korn Ferry Tour moments after Bhatia tapped in for the winning birdie, the rising star pauses mid-sentence and turns to read the tournament's name from the trophy, which his caddie/GF has picked up in place of his golf bag (caddieing is a tough gig!). Have a look and listen:
Again, to be fair, there was a lot going on for this golf prodigy who turned pro two years ago and doesn't turn 20 until the end of the month. And "Bahamas Great Exuma Classic" is a bit of a mouthful. That being said, seasoned tour pro pitchmen like Phil Mickelson would have nightmares about slighting a sponsor like that.
OR, and this is a big or, maybe Bhatia was going for a giant flex. "What tournament did I just win? Oh, right, the Bahamas Great Exuma Classic. No biggie. On to the next one." If so, a tip of the cap to you, young man.
Regardless, with the win, he's probably on to the PGA Tour next season. And there should be plenty more chances to work on his victory speeches.