23 Pictures That Prove Golfers Are Actually Insane
Because they're willing to accept ridiculous occupational hazards.
Because a hail storm is just a state of mind.
Because they regularly find themselves in situations like this.
Because they think the North Pole is a good place for golf.
Because they play golf instead of sleeping.
Because they pay lots of money and fly halfway across the world to do this.
Because they see the DMZ zone between North and South Korea and think: that would make a great fairway.
Because they look at desolate areas and think: that would make a great fairway.
Because they look at enemy territory and think: that would make a great fairway.
Because they think watching their shot until its conclusion is more important than staying dry.
Because they design license plates like this.
Because even when they can't stay awake, they decide to bring their clubs onto a crowded subway.
Because they risk their lives trying to hit a little white ball.
Because they'd rather dress like this than not play golf.
Because they won't just go to the bathroom.
Because they think this is fun.
Because there's no form of abuse they're not willing to take.
Because they don't understand what "waterlogged" means.
"Frostbite" is another word they don't understand.
Because they fish for golf balls like this.
Because they accept that this is part of the rules.
Because they won't just go home.
And finally, because their love for the game knows no bounds.