Pinehurst No. 10

Pinehurst, NC, United States Public


Sand is the defining character of Pinehurst, and Pinehurst No. 10 goes right to the source: a former sand mining site south of the resort, portions of which used to be a golf course called The Pit that closed in 2010. Several holes of this Tom Doak design, opened in April, 2024, plunge through the old quarries, including the turbulent eighth where players will want to pop Dramamine before tackling fairway swells you could surf across. Pinehurst is also characterized by the tight cluster of its primary courses and synchronous relationship with the surrounding village, but No. 10 is a world apart. The grandeur of the isolated holes roller coasting through the quiet sand barrens creates tension between the sublimity of the environment and the heroism of the architecture, demonstrated most intensely in the uninhibited green shapes, many of which are bowl-shaped and heavily segmented.


Holes 18
Facility Type Public
Designer Tom Doak & Angela Moser

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