The CJ Cup Byron Nelson

TPC Craig Ranch


Best golf courses near Orange Beach, AL

Below, you’ll find a list of courses near Orange Beach, AL. There are 13 courses within a 15-mile radius of Orange Beach, 13 of which are public courses and are private courses. There are 7 18-hole courses and 5 nine-hole layouts.

The above has been curated through Golf Digest’s Places to Play course database, where we have collected star ratings and reviews from our 1,900 course-ranking panelists. Join our community by signing up for Golf Digest+ and rate the courses you’ve visited recently.

Lost Key Golf Club
Lost Key Golf Club
Pensacola, FL
4 Panelists
Situated on the Perdido Key, less than a mile from the Atlantic Ocean, Lost Key is a challenging Arnold Palmer design. Recognized by Audubon International, Lost Key is a scenic layout playing among the coastal wetlands. The fairways are tree-lined and narrow, requiring quality ball-striking. It’s a demanding track further boldened by the often-strong winds off the ocean.
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Craft Farms: Cotton Creek
Craft Farms: Cotton Creek
Gulf Shores, AL
Craft Farms offers two playable Arnold Palmer designs about five miles inland in Gulf Shores. Though water comes into play on 14 of the 18 holes on the Cotton Creek course, there is plenty of room on the generous landing areas to bail out. As is true of many resort courses, Cotton Creek is a scenic layout that is playable for all handicaps.
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Craft Farms: Cypress Bend
Craft Farms: Cypress Bend
Gulf Shores, AL
Craft Farms offers two playable Arnold Palmer designs about five miles inland in Gulf Shores. Much like the Cotton Creek course, Cypress Bend presents wide landing areas and large greens that make it immensely playable. Water comes into play on nearly every hole, but it serves an aesthetic purpose just as much as it does a strategic one. The generous fairways leave plenty of room to avoid the hazards.
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Peninsula Golf & Racquet Club: Marsh/Lakes/Cypress
There are 27 holes at Peninsula Golf and Racquet Club, spread over 800 acres on the Fort Morgan Peninsula. Sitting adjacent to the Bon Secour Wildlife Preserve, the layout has a secluded feel, playing among live oaks, cypress trees and marshlands. Though the course can stretch to over 7,000 yards from the tips (depending on which nines you play), it’s a playable layout that generally offers wide landing areas. The course recently completed a multi-million-dollar renovation that included tree removal, bunker renovations and cart path maintenance.
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