Best golf courses near Huntsville, AL
Below, you’ll find a list of courses near Huntsville, AL. There are 13 courses within a 15-mile radius of Huntsville, 6 of which are public courses and 5 are private courses. There are 10 18-hole courses and 3 nine-hole layouts.
The above has been curated through Golf Digest’s Places to Play course database, where we have collected star ratings and reviews from our 1,900 course-ranking panelists. Join our community by signing up for Golf Digest+ and rate the courses you’ve visited recently.
Perched on a 1,582-foot mountain peak—the highest point in Huntsville—The Ledges offers stunning vistas and dramatic dropoffs. This Michael Hurdzan/Dana Fry layout features narrow fairways that are closely guarded by imposing trees and several steep cliffs. The steep rock wall dropoff lurking just steps off the second fairway is both impressive and intimidating. The course offers beautiful views of the valley, downtown Huntsville and the U.S. Space and Rocket Center 12 miles to the west. The Ledges is currently ranked third on our Best in Alabama list.
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Perched on a 1,582-foot mountain peak—the highest point in Huntsville—The Ledges offers stunning vistas and dramatic dropoffs. This Michael Hurdzan/Dana Fry layout features narrow fairways that are closely guarded by imposing trees and several steep cliffs. The steep rock wall dropoff lurking just steps off the second fairway is both impressive and intimidating. The course offers beautiful views of the valley, downtown Huntsville and the U.S. Space and Rocket Center 12 miles to the west. The Ledges is currently ranked third on our Best in Alabama list.
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