Best golf courses near Corolla, NC
Below, you’ll find a list of courses near Corolla, NC. There are 2 courses within a 15-mile radius of Corolla, 2 of which are public courses and are private courses. There are 2 18-hole courses and nine-hole layouts.
The above has been curated through Golf Digest’s Places to Play course database, where we have collected star ratings and reviews from our 1,900 course-ranking panelists. Join our community by signing up for Golf Digest+ and rate the courses you’ve visited recently.

A previous Best in North Carolina course on Golf Digest’s biennial list, the Currituck Club is a good semi-private Rees Jones design on the Currituck Sound. Jones incorporated the natural features—sand dunes, woodlands and wetlands—in strategic ways to challenge the better player, but there are options for the more resort type player.
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A previous Best in North Carolina course on Golf Digest’s biennial list, the Currituck Club is a good semi-private Rees Jones design on the Currituck Sound. Jones incorporated the natural features—sand dunes, woodlands and wetlands—in strategic ways to challenge the better player, but there are options for the more resort type player.
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