Ratings from our panel of 1,900 course-ranking panelists
“It has a FERRY! The Village course is a basic straight forward player friendly course that is frequented by those living in the community on a regular basis. It gets quite a bit of play so be ready for lots of divots and ball marks out there. The course is regularly in good playable condition with average speed greens and soft fairways. The practice facility is excellent and includes a driving range (no woods) and a short game area. The food service is top notch at the restaurant so be sure to grab a meal at some point. Did I say it has a FERRY?! The course itself is pretty straight forward, but you'll come up to a run of 3 holes on the back that are truly entertaining. A par 3 over water, followed by a par 5 with a blind tee shot and than a ride on a ferry. Next up is short par 4 with a water carry for the approach to the green. Not the best course at Jonathan's but a great time with friends is sure to be had."
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