Wozniacki tweets a picture of herself playing golf, Rory nowhere to be seen (dramaaa!)
__By Keely Levins
__Earlier this week, rumors of Rory McIlroy breaking up with Caroline Wozniacki swirled around the Internet. Both parties have remained mostly silent on the issue, making it tough to know if we'll get to stop saying 'Wozilroy' any time soon.
At times like these, it's best to look at what direct access we have to the potentially former lovebirds: Twitter. Some have speculated that McIlroy ended the relationship when Wozniacki tweeted an unbecoming photo of him, so it only seems fitting that she'd apologize using the same medium that (theoretically) tore them apart.
On Wednesday, Wozniacki posted this photo of her hitting balls at a range. Is this a passive aggressive way to show us they're together, because hey, if they were apart wouldn't she stay far away from the sport? Or is she telling us all that even though they've broken up, she still likes golf? Or at least likes sports where she can wear red spandex? It's worth noting that Rory hasn't retweeted nor favorited the photo (although in fairness, he is in South Korea for the Korea Open this week).
If that doesn't spell a break up, I don't know what does.