
Why Mark Calcavecchia bobblehead beats Jordan Spieth bobblehead

February 17, 2016

Speaking of bobbleheads…

The Blue Ribbon Bacon Festival, “the world’s premier baconfest,” as it bills itself, takes place Saturday in Des Moines, Iowa, where the Principal Charity Classic is offering Mark Calcavecchia bobbleheads.

Two reasons a Calcavecchia bobblehead trumps the Jordan Spieth bobblehead given away at the AT&T Pebble Beach National Pro-Am last Saturday. One, it’s Calcavecchia, a bona fide self-deprecating character and a great quote, and, two, bacon pants.


Calcavecchia won the PGA Tour Champions’ Principal Charity Classic last year wearing bacon pants in homage to the importance of the cured meat in those parts. The bobblehead Calcavecchia is wearing bacon pants, too.

“This gets my vote for best-dressed bobblehead,” Calcavecchia Tweeted with the photo shown above.

The National Bobblehead Hall of Fame and Museum would concur, we conclude, based on its Tweet to the tournament and the baconfest: "We would love to include a @MarkCalc bobblehead in the National @BobbleheadHall if you have an extra one!"

Yes, there is a National Bobblehead Hall of Fame and Museum. It's in Milwaukee.

The Calcavecchia bobblehead is even better than our previous favorite, this one of an 18-year-old Tiger Woods pumping his fist after winning the U.S. Amateur in 1994:
