What's all this whining about?
The recurring theme on tour this week is how tough the players have it because they have to play three weeks in row and four out of five in the hopes of stuffing their pockets with $10 million.
Scott Verplank compared it to a pro football player who plays a Thursday night game and then has a game the following Sunday. To emphasize his point he even said, "You go from playing the Indianapolis Colts on Sunday night and you've got the Steelers on Thursday. That's about how it is. You don't have a lot of time for rest and relaxation."
Not a lot of sympathy here, Scott. Let's see ... third and three, staring at a group of 300 lb. monsters versus needing two birdies in three holes to pocket a cool $1.3 million. Tough choice isn't it?
Steve Stricker even said, "I don't think it's fair to the players or the tournament too much to whip us around in such a quick fashion and get us going again, I'm tired. I haven't gotten a lot of sleep." A little tired are we after taking home that first-place check last Monday?
Even the workout king of all-time, Mr. Tiger Woods, who's playing his sixth tournament in seven weeks uttered, "It's a lot of golf for me." To his credit, Tiger did follow up with, "Winning takes care of everything."
When Tiger speaks, Mr. Finchem listens. No doubt this is the last time you will see a run of three straight FedEx Cup playoff events followed by a week off and then the Tour Championship. But really, the overbearing volume of public whining from a bunch of guys privileged enough to make an extremely good living hitting a little white ball around meticulously manicured lawns gets tiresome very fast.
--Michael Erdman