
Weird Golf News Of The Week: Club's dress code crackdown leads to a violent uprising

November 19, 2014

Don't get the powers-that-be at Weston Golf Club started on jeans in the clubhouse.

Back in September, the President of the Boston-based golf club began a McCarthy-esqe crackdown on those members who didn't adhere to the club's dress code, which strictly prohibits any form of jeans apart from white jeans for lady members.

The President opened an "investigation" into potential violations and as a result suspended 10 members for three months, according to the Boston Globe, who first reported the story.

And it turns out, the harshness of the crackdown actually led to a violent uprising. Stephen and Charlotte Weeple, two guests planning on meeting one of their member-friends, were walking into the clubhouse on a Saturday in September (the report has just been made public). That's when Tom Ferry -- the president -- stopped the couple in their tracks and informed them they were in violation of the dress code. Things came to blows not long after, and the police were called to help cool things down.

Basically everyone involved declined to comment to the Boston Globe except for a spokesperson for Weston Golf Club, who offered this nugget:

"The dress code is meant to encourage people to present themselves in ways that engender pride in the club."