
We can't stop watching Dustin Johnson's incredible, clutch approach shot on 18

June 20, 2016

Enough about the Dustin Johnson rules controversy. In the wake of DJ picking up his first major victory at the 116th U.S. Open, let's focus instead on some of the awe-inspiring shots he hit at Oakmont. Of course, this starts with his approach on No. 18 that sealed the deal.

We dare you to only watch this shot thing of beauty just once:

Just an absolute towering laser right at the pin from 191 yards with a 6-iron. Magnificent. The clutch swing set up a closing birdie -- just the second birdie of the entire round on Oakmont's most difficult hole -- that made his victory official, regardless of a delayed penalty that was ultimately assessed.

Making the shot more impressive than simply a man summoning the best shot of his life in the biggest moment of his career? The fact that Johnson had to back off it moments before when something behind him went off and made a noise clearly audible on the telecast. Silence your phones/cameras, people!

Thankfully, neither that or the potential penalty affected the outcome. Instead, Johnson was able to regroup and hit that majestic clout. Here it is, again. You know you want to: