Vermont country club trolls members with horrible spring clean-up memo

Andrew Redington
It’s been a rough spring for golfers in the northeast and courses have been hit hard. At some facilities—even some private clubs—it’s not unusual for members to pitch in and help clean up the course in order to get it ready for the opening of the season.
Rutland Country Club in Vermont is one such club, and had its Member Clean-Up Day scheduled for April 14th. Nothing unusual about that. However the notice on the club’s website was truly one to behold. In addition to imploring its members to bring their rake and gloves, along with a modest scolding to not play on the course, the notice closed with a sentence full of irony.

That’s because after asking its members to work for free (and, as dues-paying members, in some way actually pay for the privilege of working), the club felt compelled to finish with the following: “Remember, you MUST be current with your dues!” We’re sure whoever’s idea it was to end this memo in such fashion might expect a call from the club president fairly soon, rake in hand.