The American Express

PGA West - Dye Stadium Course


    Two cops are under investigation for allegedly killing a groundhog with a golf cart

    August 03, 2016

    Two cops are under investigation for allegedly killing a groundhog with a golf cart, according to the New York Post. This after an initial report of suspected animal cruelty from WNYT.

    We wish this was a joke, but the sickening story seems to have actually happened last Friday at Frear Park Golf Course in Troy, N.Y., during a tournament sponsored by the Rensselaer City Police Department's union. WNYT reports William Meissner, a former head of the Troy Housing Authority, wrote about the incident on Facebook.

    "While playing Frear Park golf course today, I witnessed two people in a golf cart chase down a woodchuck until it couldn't run anymore," Meissner wrote, "and then they ran over it with their golf cart. The woodchuck managed to crawl about ten feet and rolled around a little before it died.

    "To the both of you: you guys must really feel good about yourselves, killing an innocent animal. To make it worse, there was a baby woodchuck nearby on hole number 12 probably wondering where it's (sic) mother was. DON'T EVER COME BACK TO FREAR PARK."

    Apparently, the two cops -- as well as the rest of the Rensselaer Police Department -- has already been banned from coming back to the public course.

    "Two bad seeds puts a negative light of the whole organization," Troy City Council President Carmella Mantello told WNYT. "I have talked to park staff and we will ban that organization from future outings here at the golf course."

    Both the police departments of Rensselaer and Troy confirmed to WNYT they are conducting internal investigations.

    "This is really bothersome for me," said Rensselaer Police Chief Rick Fusco. "There is no room for a police officer to continue to be a police officer if in fact he did this, if he intentionally killed an animal . . . but we need witnesses to come forward."