The Foot Wedge
With all the shots you face around the green, you need to be able to control trajectory. On all of them, play the ball an inch inside your front heel, and angle that foot outward about 30 degrees. To change trajectory, simply change the position of your back foot. Here's how.
For a low shot, set up with your feet eight inches apart, and turn your back foot inward 30 degrees to match your front foot (above, left). This setup helps the upper body turn over the front foot through impact, so the hands will lead the clubhead for a lower flight.
For a medium-trajectory shot, move your back foot to the right another four to six inches, and set it perpendicular to the target line (middle). This position restricts the upper body from moving as freely to the front side, causing a slight release of the hands. The extra loft that results produces more height.
For a high shot, move your back foot to the right another four to six inches, and turn it outward 30 degrees (right). This makes it difficult to get to the front side, so the upper body stays centered and the hands release more for additional loft. Try these easy adjustments to build a versatile short game.