Tour Wife Diary: Erin Walker on the Par-3 Contest and walking with Tiger Woods' group
Erin Walker, wife of Jimmy Walker, will be sharing with her thoughts on what it's like to be a PGA Tour wife at the Masters. Follow her musings (@Tourwifetravels) from Augusta National all week.

The Par-3 Contest is such a great experience. We brought the kids back to the bus so they could nap beforehand. Our little one, Beckett (2), made it about a hole and a half and he was over it, so he went back to the bus for a cookie. But our older one, Mclain (4), made it the whole way! It's really fun to do with your kids and your husband. This is not something that we get to participate in on a daily basis so we really enjoyed it. And it's nice for the guys to have something like this where they don't have to focus.
I only took one shot on the 18th green and I had a power lipout. I was just a little too firm. I told Jimmy it was a bad read!
We're going to a cocktail hour tonight so we've got to go home and get changed, but then we'll go home and relax. We've got a late tee time (1:48 p.m.) tomorrow so it's good that we're going to do something tonight to keep us occupied.
It's going to be exciting being in Tiger Woods' group the first two rounds, but it doesn't really change anything. Jimmy said something really cool when he found out about the pairing: "How many guys at the end of their career are going to be able to say 'I played with Tiger Woods at Augusta?' Jimmy said he'd rather be playing with him than either right before him or right after him. And the crowds are really good and Tiger is really good about waiting to putt out. So it'll be fun!