Tips for Tiger
Scotland on Sunday columnist (and Golf World contributor) John Huggan has suggested nine things Tiger Woods might do in 2010, "all of them aimed at making golf a better game and him a better, or at least more approachable, person."
I'm partial to Nos. 1 and 2. No. 1 is to play somewhere for nothing, to play a tournament that needs a boost or take an appearance fee and return it to the local golfing body to use as it sees fit. No. 2 is to quit spitting and swearing on the course.
Woods, of course, is unlikely to take advice from anyone, least of all a golf writer. At any rate, the chances Woods would do any of the nine are close to nil. One of Huggan's nine seems possible (No. 7: win at least two majors in 2010).
-- John Strege