
Tiger's agent hints at legal action against Chamblee over critical article

October 18, 2013

Brandel Chamblee's highly critical article of Tiger Woods may have landed him a lawsuit.

The article, where Chamblee writes that Tiger Woods "was a little cavalier with the rules" recently and gives him an "F" grade for the season as a result, prompted Tiger Woods' agent Mark Steinberg to release a statement to ESPN's Bob Harig.

In the statement, Steinberg, who calls the article "atrocious," hints that the World No. 1 may consider legal action against Chamblee. Here's a selection from the piece:

"There's nothing you can call a golfer worse than a cheater,'' Steinberg said. "This is the most deplorable thing I have seen. I'm not one for hyperbole, but this is absolutely disgusting. Calling him a cheater? I'll be shocked, stunned if something is not done about this. Something has to be done.> >

"There are certainly things that just don't go without response. It's atrocious. I'm not sure if there isn't legal action to be taken. I have to give some thought to legal action.''

We'll continue to keep an eye on this story as it continues to develop.