This video of Bill Belichick shopping for a Christmas tree is inexplicably captivating

Dustin Bradford
I always thought US Weekly's "Stars -- They're just like us!" section was laughably moronic. "Wait a minute, Ben Affleck cuts his grass? Man, he's just a normal guy after all!" What dim-witted, vapid twirp could could possibly find this intrusive mundanity entertaining?
And now I take everything back. Because this video of Bill Belichick shopping for a Christmas tree is inexplicably captivating:
In one sense, it's a bummer the video was taken by Belichick's girlfriend and not a stranger, for the discharge of expletives would have put Lee Elia to shame. However, to see Belichick -- a figure that grows more mythical by the championship -- tasked with such a normal activity...hey, he's just like us!
That said, if Belichick employed his football acumen to the proceedings, we're guessing his tree was overlooked by every other customer in the lot, and he's going to turn said tree into an unstoppable, gritty force of Christmas cheer.