This clip of Bobby Jones practicing on a cruise ship will get you ready for the Walker Cup
When it comes to practice, today's top-flight golfers have it easy. Most of their stomping grounds have lavish driving ranges or short-game facilities, offering every exercise and shot available. Better yet, with indoor simulators, a nearby course or good weather is not incumbent for a player to get work in, with said machines delivering the type of prep one normally receives during a practice-round trek. In 1930, however, the amenities weren't quite as ostentatious. Evidenced in this remarkable Bobby Jones clip below.
In honor of this weekend's Walker Cup, East Lake Golf Club -- Jones' home course -- posted this video of the rudimentary set-up Jones put together on a cruise ship, in order to get some practice in while crossing the Atlantic for the 1930 competition.
While lacking decoration, the de facto driving range got the job done: Jones and the U.S. team defeated Great Britain and Ireland at Royal St George's Golf Club 10 to 2.
This year's Walker Cup begins on Saturday at Los Angeles C.C. Great Britain and Ireland are the defending champs.