The Style Blog: Diamonds are forever
I'm not suggesting you wear your 6-carat rock on the golf course--even if they do manufacture golf gloves with openings on the ring finger that allow your diamond to poke through. No, I'm feeling a bit nostalgic for that classic diamond pattern synonymous with golf-wear and best suited for a cozy sweater.
Argyle jumpers fall into the category of dressing known as a classic. And guess what? Classics are all the rage these days. Thirteen-year-old boys are sporting grandpa-style cardigans because they don't want to look like grandpa in oversized, striped, double-mercerized polos. It feels smarter and fresher to dress more like Arnold Palmer than Johnny Miller. And as far as us ladies are concerned, think more Babe Zaharias and less Dottie Pepper.
This patterned topper is easy to throw on over your favorite polo shirt and it lends your look a traditional vibe that's all golf and all the rage.
Here are some of my favorites:

EP Pro Argyle V-Neck Sweater, $98.00, Visit website [#image: /photos/55ad925aadd713143b431dce]|||The Style Blog: Sweater|||
Cutter & Buck: Annika Next Phase Sweater, $52.50, Visit website [#image: /photos/55ad925bb01eefe207f76784]|||The Style Blog: Sweater|||
Lija Axis Argyle Sweater, $120.00, Visit website [#image: /photos/55ad925aadd713143b431dc8]|||The Style Blog: Sweater|||
Abacus Finnigan Pullover Red, $77.00, Visit website [#image: /photos/55ad925aadd713143b431dc6]|||The Style Blog: Sweater|||
Burberry Cashmere Argyle Sweater, $193.00, Visit website [#image: /photos/55ad925ab01eefe207f7677c]|||The Style Blog: Sweater|||
Liz Claiborne Argyle Sweater, $25.00, Visit website [#image: /photos/55ad925badd713143b431dd9]|||The Style Blog: Sweater|||
Lady Hagen Women's Chamber Argyle Sweater, $26.97, Visit website [#image: /photos/55ad925badd713143b431dd6]|||The Style Blog: Sweater|||
Lady Hagen Women's Chamber Argyle Sweater, $26.97, Visit website --Argy Koutsothanasis