The only known photo of Brandel Chamblee and Tiger Woods is fantastic
By Alex Myers
Cheating accusations? Legal threats? Twitter apologies? Enough of all this serious stuff. Let's focus on a simpler, happier time. The time when "we only talked about Tiger's golf," as Chamblee wrote in his now famous end-of-the-year report card.
This picture comes from that time. In 2003, Woods was still the game's best, but without the tarnished reputation from a sex scandal. And Chamblee? Well, apparently, he was just a goofy, excited new employee of the Golf Channel. Enjoy:

Chamblee looks happy just to be in Woods' presence. A decade later, the two probably wouldn't stand that close to each other unless there's a judge and jury in the same room.
On a side note, Mr. Style would have a field day if Chamblee appeared on TV dressed like that now. Those pleated pants, those ridiculously long sleeves and that baggy sweater vest? Maybe Chamblee should apologize for that outfit while he's at it. . .