The final round has begun! (And the third round isn't over.)
COLORADO SPRINGS, Co. -- The fourth round began right on time (the USGA has these weather delay dilemmas down to a science), and maintenance crews are currently rolling greens and setting fourth-round pin placements.
Karin Sjodin, Amy Anderson and Meena Lee kicked off the final round when they teed up on the first hole at 11:45 a.m. They only had about 30 minutes to rest in between their third and fourth rounds. And while the threesome braced themselves for another 18 holes on the long Broadmoor East, the current leader, Ai Miyazato, was still on the 12th hole.
To add a layer of confusion to an already-perplexing championship, the threesomes who played with each other this morning will remain the same this afternoon. So the Open's winner will likely finish before the final group reaches the 18th green.
--Ashley Mayo