The Basics of Game Improvement
The best way to improve your game is to figure out the areas where you need help and then go to work using a step-by-step approach. Pretty obvious, but worth mentioning because golfers usually get the process wrong. Most golfers love to chase the sexy skills—hitting it longer, playing a draw, etc. They skip around, and their games fall behind. The key is to focus and follow a plan
You have to start with an honest appraisal of your golf, and that’s not always easy to do. Every golfer’s game is a roller-coaster ride: When your driving is good, your irons disappear; when you’re hitting greens, you’re missing putts. You can usually point to a glaring weak spot, but it’s fleeting—soon you’ll need help with something else, and then something else. Embracing that reality will make this game a lot less depressing. The trick is to have some trusted instruction on hand to help you with the soft spots, a source you can turn to when things go bad that can get you back on track fast.
The thinking behind Golf Digest’s new Ultimate Guides video series is that golfers need help breaking down their games and organizing their plans to get better. Are you hitting three or four drives out of play every round? If so, that’s for sure a major opportunity for improvement. Do you have trouble making solid contact on your fairway shots? Again, that would be an area to address. Where you need help might be painfully clear, or you might have to review your recent rounds—see where your drives and approach shots are leaving you, check your up-and-down performance, ask yourself which shots make you really nervous. Once you know where you want to start, you need a video curriculum that covers all the basics in that area so you can access them quickly. That’s what you get with the Golf Digest Ultimate Guides.
Each of the three Ultimate Guides—Short Game, Approach Shots and Driving—contains five long-form video lessons, and all of the instructors are Golf Digest Best Young Teachers in America. The Ultimate Guides are available for $9.99 each. Which one do you need today?
Get help for your biggest problem right away—and when the next rough spot comes along, make sure you’re ready with the Golf Digest Ultimate Guides.