The authors of "Freakonomics" say they do most of their thinking on the golf course
Steve Dubner and Stephen Levitt don't really have much in common.
Before they teamed-up to write the best-selling books "Freakonomics" and "Super Freakonomics," Dubner was a musician-turned writer for the New York Times Magazine. Levitt was a Harvard and MIT-trained economist who wasn't really all that good at math. But one thing they do have in common? They're both total golf addicts.
Aside from always writing about it on their blog, the golf course is apparently where the two do most of their thinking. "I am completely and utterly obsessed with golf," Levitt said about the game in 2011. "There is no place I would rather be. It makes no sense, but I've stopped trying to rationalize it."
The duo were profiled last Sunday on CBS Sunday Morning as their new book, "Think Like A Freak," goes on sale May 12, and showed off their golf skills to the world. They also left viewers with a cliffhanger about another upcoming book they're working on that's just about golf.
Here's the segment: