Tenuous golf connection: Parnevik's gang goes 'Gangnam Style'
By Alex Myers
It was just a matter of time. South Korean rapper Psy is quickly taking over the planet with his song "Gangnam Style." Now, this seemingly unavoidable tune has even permeated the world of golf.
Jesper Parnevik, rocking a pretty sweet pink suit with pink sunglasses, appears to be the ring leader in a parody video of the musical phenomenon released on YouTube today. Also making appearances (and donning odd wigs) are fellow golfers Dustin Johnson, Fredrik Jacobson and Richard S. Johnson. Parnevik's wife and kids round out the main cast in the video, which was made as a birthday present to a friend, according to its description online. Take a gander:
Those participating in the video lip-sync the words and do the accompanying "signature" dance, which basically looks like someone riding a horse while holding onto the reins cross-handed. As for the words themselves? Let's just say it's pretty safe to assume there has never been as widespread of a song where so few people knew what they were actually saying.
Still, it's fun and we appreciate the effort. Although for the time being, we'll still say that "The Golf Boys" reign supreme as the sport's premiere musical group since their debut featured an original song. But as for dancing and style, Parnevik's gang -- "The Golf Men"? -- might have them beat. Is it possible that the PGA Tour is closing in on its first-ever battle of the (boy) bands? You can just picture Tim Finchem cringing at the thought.
For point of reference -- and to help you recognize what undoubtedly will be a popular Halloween getup -- here's Psy's original video. And no, that's not a misprint. As of the time of this post, it has more than 530 million views. Now that's something that doesn't need any translation.