
Swing emergency? Fix it with #HelpMeGolfDigest

April 22, 2014

General tips from the game's best instructors are great, but everybody needs a one-to-one swing intervention from time to time. It doesn't matter if you're topping tee shots, shanking wedges, leaving it in the bunker or yipping your short putts. Take a video of your problem and help could be just a hashtag away.

Post your quick swing clip to Twitter or Instagram (like the one shown below) and add the hashtag #HelpMeGolfDigest. Every week, we'll show the most interesting clips to a select group of our best teachers for a personalized analysis and swing prescription.

To have the best chance to get your video picked, follow a few basic guidelines to produce easy-to-analyze footage. Instagram limits videos to 15 seconds, and Vine videos are just six seconds, so use the time wisely. Pick the "best" example of the swing you don't want your playing partners to see, and shoot it from the appropriate angle. You can find a simple, thorough guide to shooting a swing with your smartphone here. Good lighting and interesting backgrounds always help, too.

We'll be picking a handful of swings every week, so don't hesitate to submit more of your problem swings throughout the year if your first one doesn't make the cut.