Steve Smith continues to be the NFL's best trash talker, even when he has no idea what he's talking about

Chris Graythen
Steve Smith is a bad man. REAL bad man. The type of man that sees you made a snide Twitter remark about his mother, then shows up on your doorstep 30 minutes later. This is a guy who beat up a teammate in practice. Celebrated a touchdown over the Fred Smoot of "Love Boat" fame by faux paddling a cano in the end zone. Told Aqib Talib to "Ice up, son" after a match-up and, when asked by a reporter about how much gas he had left in his tank, responded, "You can ask my wife about my stamina." Okay, then.
So we shouldn't be too surprised that when Hall of Fame wideout and NFL analyst Michael Irvin inadvertently took a shot at Smith before Thursday night's Ravens-Bengals game, Smith came back with two upper-cuts and a roundhouse kick to the face.
Does it matter that Smith actually went to community college, or that Irvin was, ahem, right? (Smith posted a respectable, but far from inspiring, 2,534 yards in three years with the Ravens.) Of course not. When it comes to verbal fights, Steve Smith always wins. Even when he's wrong.
Now if you'll excuse us, we have to go activate our home security system and keep an eye on the front door.