
Trending: It's old Spock vs. new Spock in Audi Golf 'Challenge'

May 07, 2013

In anticipation of the Star Trek: Into Darkness release in theaters next week, Audi has come out with a new commercial that pits Leonard Nimoy (Spock from the original Star Trek series) and Zachary Quinto (Spock from the two most recent installments) in a race to the golf course. And while the outcome may be pretty predictable considering only one of them drives an Audi, what is not is Nimoy's comedic skills. Arguably his best work since the Simpson's "Monorail" episode, Nimoy overshadows his understudy stealing most of the scenes with laughs instead of technology. But don't worry Trekkies, there are still plenty of well-placed Star Trek references to keep purists happy.