Rory hits a bad shot, loses temper, throws his club in the water
After ripping his drive down the fairway on Doral's par-5 8th, Rory hit a bad second shot into water and sentenced his 3-iron to death by drowning. He went on to make bogey on the hole, which dropped him to one-over for the tournament.
Don't take our word for it:
People watching the action on Twitter, as you might expect, were pretty shocked by the whole thing.
Rory McIlroy just hit the ball in the water, then helicoptered his club into the lake. The Blue Monster claims another victim.
— Justin Ray (@JustinRayGC) March 6, 2015
UMMMM… Rory just threw a club in the water….
— Benjamin Everill (@beneverill) March 6, 2015
Holy guacamole, @PGA_rorymcilroy just Tommy Bolted an iron into Doral #8's lake. Vine it up baby!
— Geoff Shackelford (@GeoffShac) March 6, 2015
People would want him kicked off the tour. RT @jharris89: @AlexMyers3 imagine the freakout had that been Tiger...
— Alex Myers (@AlexMyers3) March 6, 2015
Rory behaving like a normal person closely followed by a succession of tut-tuts on Twitter from a succession of golf journalists....ð
— John Huggan (@johnhuggan) March 6, 2015
Rory McIlroy throwing a club in the water: Vs. Tommy Bolt throwing a club: Advantage: Bolt
— Mike O'Malley (@GD_MikeO) March 6, 2015 In any case, if you're looking for some more uplifting Rory news, check out this infrared video of his golf swing.