
Rick Pitino joins Twitter, continues to make horrible life decisions every chance he gets

September 20, 2018
NCAA Basketball Tournament - Second Round - Michigan v Louisville

Joe Robbins

While he'll likely never admit it, deep down in places Rick Pitino doesn't talk about at parties (or in tell-all books, or radio interviews, or italian restaurants, etc.), there's probably a few decisions he wishes he could have back in life. Add joining Twitter, something he did out of the blue on Thursday, to Pitino's list of questionable moves he's DEFINITELY going to wish he had back.

No, creating a Twitter is not exactly like cheating on your wife or basically allowing strip clubs to operate in your team's dorm, but it will still go down as one of the dumber moves the former Louisville head coach has made in the last decade. Just wait until you see how he explained it:

"For years I have stayed away from Twitter.." Good! No, GREAT job Rick! Twitter is awful for people who have absolutely no baggage whatsoever, and it's REALLY awful for people with baggage, which you have in abundance! Please, stay away!

"Because there was very little positivity." So, wait, you have been on Twitter then? Very little positivity is giving it too much credit. There's NONE. And when there is, people shit on that too!

"I will stay completely away from cynicism and destructive words." Ok, nevermind, you're definitely new here. Every tweet you send will be met with literally those exact two things, followed by jokes about lasting 15 seconds.

"I hope to bring a spirit of optimism, which is so needed today." He's not wrong, he just forgot this is Twitter, where all of your optimism will be met with a GIF of Andy Samberg in that SNL Digital short about something super NSFW that we probably can't mention here.

Speaking of GIFs, let's check in on the replies to Rick's opening tweet:

Rick, as they say on Twitter, delete your account. There's still time.