Presidents Cup Postscript
In this part of the country, not-quite-Boston-not-quite-New-York New England, everyone's red or blue, Sawx or Yanks. Based on your mail to us, I believe the Golf Nation possesses a similar fault line: Tiger or Phil. Evidence, the last few pieces of mail we've received on the Presidents Cup:
Dear Editor,>
While I appreciate the fact that Tiger Woods is good for business, this week's cover of Golf World shows colossal disrespect for the rest of Team USA at the Presidents Cup. This was a team effort, not an individual feat. It has been noted that Tiger would not have won either of his Saturday matches on his own ball and not without the outstanding efforts of his partner, Steve Stricker. Also, it has been noted by no less than Michael Jordan that Phil Mickelson should receive the MVP award for the Cup for his efforts in bringing three different partners up to successful speed. You did not see Tiger offering to partner with anyone else. The bottom line is that the ENTIRE TEAM deserved the cover of this week's Golf World and shame on you for leaving everybody else out!
Sharon Hanson
Boise, ID
Dear Editor>
What's going on with Johnny Miller? I love the guy and his historically wonderful, insightful and honest commentary. But he seems obsessed with establishing Phil as the "best golfer in the world." Where's the beef, Johnny? Whether this week, month, year, decade, or lifetime no objective observer could honestly suggest that Phil has overtaken Tiger as "the best in the world." Weird! Is Miller losing it? Maybe old age or not enough telecasts to stay sharp. Calm down, Johnny. Get a grip; you're starting to lose people like me who have always looked forward to your commentary. >
Rick O'Rourke>
Westlake, OH >
Thank you both for those well-stated points of view. I shall not take sides, but I'm no Angel.
Go Yanks.
--Bob Carney