
President Obama admits golf mistake, is still lampooned in a cartoon reading Golf Digest

September 08, 2014

President Barack Obama appeared on "Meet The Press" for the 12th time on Sunday to talk, among other things, about his decision to play golf shortly after his statement on the murder of American journalist James Foley.

"I should've anticipated the optics," Obama told host Chuck Todd. "It is always a challenge when you're supposed to be on vacation because you're followed everywhere. And part of what I'd love is a vacation from the press."

Here's that "I should've anticipated the optics" statement in its full context.

"Because the possibility of a jarring contrast given the world's news, there's always going to be some tough news somewhere, it's going to be there. But there's no doubt that after having talked to the families, where it was hard for me to hold back tears listening to the pain that they were going through after the statement that I made, that I should've anticipated the optics. That's part of the job. And I think everybody who knows me, including, I suspect, the press, understands that you take this stuff in and it's serious business. And you care about it deeply. But part of this job is also the theater of it."

The Obama apology is unlikely to appease critics who say his passion for golf have interfered with his job performance. That sentiment is perhaps best captured here by Michael Ramirez, a two-time Pulitzer Prize winner for his conservative editorial cartoons, who poked fun at the President's admission with a cartoon featuring an issue of Golf Digest.
