
Offensive lineman does cartwheel mid-play in most deliciously MACtion moment of the year

November 13, 2019

MACtion is where amazing happens, and by amazing we mean really sloppy football, a billion turnovers, quarterbacks who can't throw the ball 20 yards down field, six fans in attendance on a 20-degree weeknight, 21-point underdogs winning outright by four touchdowns, etc., etc. You can now add cartwheels in the middle of a play to that ever-growing, absurd list.

On Tuesday night, the Ohio Bobcats played the Western Michigan Broncos in a crucial MAC matchup. At 3-2 in conference play, Ohio desperately needed a win to keep their MAC Championship Game hopes alive. What do you do when you're desperate? You pull out all the stops. You reach DEEP into the playbook. Insert another cliche about pulling a rabbit out of a hat or something:

The cartwheeler in question is Bobcats junior offensive lineman Hagen Meservy, who deserves a 10 outta 10 for that form. As for being an actual distraction, which we assume was the point of the cartwheel, it's probably only worthy of a 1 out of 10. Not a single Western Michigan defender gave a damn about what Meservy was doing, but that didn't stop him from giving full, 100-percent effort. In other words, he was doing exactly what an offensive lineman always does in putting his body on the line play after play and getting zero recognition for it. Good on ya, Hagen, for providing the most delicious MACtion moment of 2019 (so far).