
Missing Links: A budding McIlroy-Fowler rivalry? And doubt prevails for Cameron Tringale

August 23, 2014

Stories of interest you might have missed…

The search for a rival for Rory McIlroy begins with Rickie Fowler. "I definitely have some work to do but there is a potential of him and I being able to play against each other for a long time to come, both being the same age," Fowler said in this column by Tara Sullivan of the North New Jersey newspaper the Record.


(Getty Images photo)

Cameron Tringale still isn't sure about the stroke in question at the PGA Championship, but chose to err on the side of integrity and disqualified himself days later for having signed an incorrect scorecard. "I didn't want the way I play this game or my integrity questioned," he said in this story by ESPN's Bob Harig. He "eventually came to the decision that there's enough doubt that I want to take myself out."

"As Jimmy Walker stood on the tee at the fifth hole at Ridgewood Country Club, sun peered through the clouds, and a refrain popped into his head: reapply, reapply. So out came the sunscreen, and a smattering quickly smeared its way across Walker's chin and cheeks." Zach Schonbrum in the New York Times recounts Walker's recent surgery to remove a small basal cell carcinoma on his left cheek, skin cancer.

Gunn Yang's U.S. Amateur victory was a surprise to most, but not to his instructor Glen Daugherty. "I've told Gunn for two years, You don't know it yet, but you're as good as any amateur out there,'" Daugherty told Tod Leonard of the UT-San Diego. "You're going to be somebody who will do well on the [PGA] tour someday. These college kids are beating you now, but they won't be for long.'" Tour player Harold Varner III asks a reasonable question in this Businessweek story on him: "I don't understand why people still think along those terms, like, Man, he's the only black kid out here.' Why can I not just be a kid?"