
Millennials and hipsters rejoice: New golf league caters sport to younger, bohemian crowd

April 22, 2016

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Though golf rounds played in the United States were on the rise in 2015, the sport's relationship with the younger audience remains flimsy. The game, in programs like First Tee and Girls Golf, has made efforts to strengthen this rapport. Nevertheless, many in the under-35 crowd view golf as too expensive, too old, too formal, too exclusive.

Which is why a 25-year-old Texan is creating a golf league geared strictly towards millennials and hipsters.

Joe Shields is the founder of the "Sunday Golf Tour," based in San Antonio. The premise of the league is that it's affordable ($68 for a round with cart, including drink tickets), fast (stroke limits ensure play keeps moving) and, thanks to a handicap scoring system, gives players something to compete for in a non-threatening environment.

According to an interview with the Express-News, Shields admitted that, while his friends enjoyed playing golf, they felt the sport wasn't very welcoming to outsiders. This undesired feeling served as the impetus for Shields creating a place where all felt wanted.

His SGT league is starting out with three events, with the hopes of adding more tournaments -- and possibly cities -- to the mix. No word if board shorts and tank tops will be the dress code.