
Mia Hamm vs. Annika

February 18, 2010

"Mia is one of the greatest female athletes of our generation and an inspiration to so many people worldwide," says Sorenstam. "I am a big fan of hers, and we are honored to have her take part in the ANNIKA Experience at WaterSound."


Here's a portion of my interview with Hamm, who says she has a low score of 76 and used to break 80 frequently, but that was before she gave birth to twins.

(Poor Mia, she thought she was playing with Annika, not against her):

Even George Will would agree, Hamm's record as a collegiate soccer player at North Carolina has to be one of the best sports stats ever--she was 94-1 and won four national championships. Hamm still remembers the loss. "We played UConn at UConn," she says. "I think the score was 3-2."

--Matty G.

(Photographs by Getty Images.)